Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some news from Australia

Below is a link to an article from Spot on magazine. It's about a boy who is the youngest person ever to have a sex change. Read the article, and answer the questions below.

The article:

The questions:

1. How old is the boy?

2. Where does (s)he live?

3. What’s his name?

4. What will the medication do?

5. How long has he been living as a girl?

6. What could happen in puberty?

7. Why will he have to go to court at age 16?

8. Do you know anyone in a situation like this?

Send us an email with your answers to and a qualified, native speaker teacher will check these. Then we'll send you back your answers with corrections and language tips for you. If you're already a student with us, you can do this as a tutored exercise, if you're not a student with us yet, do this and test our tutoring for free!

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